Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Picking up Victor from Duke Hospital this morning - he needed IV antibiotics for his CF. He's a trooper.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Um...the battery was dead on the van today. Called AAA, got it charged, left it running to recharge. Forgot it for SIX HOURS. ADDiva moment!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Greenhouse in 2009!

I can barely contain myself -- I ordered a greenhouse that will be delivered after the first of the year!


I have yearned for a greenhouse since I was a sophomore at Michigan State taking "Horticulture for Non-majors" and fell in love with that loamy, fresh smell inside the glass houses. Even though I have had gardens and more gardens since then, I have always pooh-poohed the idea of buying a greenhouse a being 1) too extravagant 2) unnecessary 3) undeserved.

Well prompted by a Costco sale email, I did some (more) research and found that the greenhouse they had on sale was indeed a good one. But I found it cheaper at another site with free shipping!

Details tomorrow, but I can tell you this: I WILL be teaching organic veggie gardening this year at GardenSpirit...and I am SO excited!
Worked in a.m. with my organizer Erica to clean GardenSpirit garage and voila! Started rearranging the INSIDE too. Ah, my distracted mind...