Monday, December 29, 2008

Greenhouse in 2009!

I can barely contain myself -- I ordered a greenhouse that will be delivered after the first of the year!


I have yearned for a greenhouse since I was a sophomore at Michigan State taking "Horticulture for Non-majors" and fell in love with that loamy, fresh smell inside the glass houses. Even though I have had gardens and more gardens since then, I have always pooh-poohed the idea of buying a greenhouse a being 1) too extravagant 2) unnecessary 3) undeserved.

Well prompted by a Costco sale email, I did some (more) research and found that the greenhouse they had on sale was indeed a good one. But I found it cheaper at another site with free shipping!

Details tomorrow, but I can tell you this: I WILL be teaching organic veggie gardening this year at GardenSpirit...and I am SO excited!

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